Become the Parent You Truly Want to be
Ways to Work With Me
"Your Parenting Game Plan" Tailored Package
A coaching and resource package tailored to your lifestyle and needs
Six private hour-long coaching sessions taken at your pace (weekly, fortnightly, or as needed) focussed on your unique situation. Following each session, I will curate a resource package to suit your needs (reflective exercises, articles, videos, podcast suggestions) as well as an emailed summary of the session with an invitation to actions to take before the next session.
Unlimited email/messenger support between sessions.
$972 paid upfront in full or three fortnightly payments of $360
"Getting on The Same Page" Tailored Package
A coaching and resource package tailored to the lifestyle and needs of couples parenting together or through separation
We start with 3 x hour-long private coaching sessions for each partner. We will explore your relationship with your child/ren and what you are bringing to those relationships.
After each of you has completed the three individual sessions, we move on to 3 x hour-long couple sessions where we focus on building the skills required to foster thriving family relationships, whether within the same household or across two.
I will provide a resource package tailored to your needs for you to work through between sessions.
Unlimited weekday email/messenger support between sessions.
$1460 paid upfront in full or monthly payment plan of $540 per month over 3 months
"We've Got an Issue" Package
Sometimes you just have one niggling problem you need another perspective on or some new tools to address.
Over an hour-long Zoom session, I will work with you on a specific issue you are struggling with. Following our session, I email you a written plan and supporting resources. You will have access to a week of email/message support as you put the plan into action.
$215 paid upfront prior to the session.
Any follow-up sessions $160 per session.
The Happy Home Habits Hub Membership
Ongoing support, accountability, and most importantly, daily habits that will help you on the journey of being an empowered parent.
The Happy Home Habits Hub is a community where parents can find bite-sized, easy-to-digest information, support, and accountability. We're all about cultivating daily habits that make a real difference in how we show up as parents. Our non-judgmental community is here to help you navigate the complexities of relationships and family life.
So, if you're ready to take your parenting to the next level, join us at the Happy Home Habits Hub. Let's cultivate those daily habits together and create a happy and healthy home for our families.
Starting at NZ$36 per month
Sign up for as long as you like and cancel any time.
Doors open November 2024.